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I am a professional educator with over fifteen years of experience in academic advising, language teaching, and program coordination. I am currently a doctoral student at the University of Basque Country in Spain. My research focus is language learning beyond the classroom and the impact of immersive environments on autonomy, agency, and well-being. I am highly organized, personable, and enthusiastic. I am passionate about equity in education and enthusiastic about student success. In my free time, I love yoga, dance fitness, hiking, paddleboarding, coffee, travel, books, and (of course) languages.
BeREAL (Resilient Attitudes and Living) Facilitator Training
University of Washington Center for Family and Child Well-Being
Washington State Teaching Certificate
TESOL Certificate, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle WA
Adjunct Faculty, Olympic College
College Success Division, Bremerton WA | Sept. 2020 to present (and Aug 2006 to June 2011)
Study Abroad Director, University of Washington
Scandinavian Studies Department and Honors Program, Seattle WA | July 2019 to present
English Language Teaching Assistant (Auxiliare de Conversación)
IES Alonso Cano, Dúrcal, Spain
October 2022 to April 2023
Assistant Teaching Professor and Academic Adviser
University of Washington, Scandinavian Studies Department, Seattle WA
Aug 2018 to September 2024
Honors Program Academic Adviser
University of Washington, Honors Program, Seattle WA
Sept 2016 to June 2018
International Student Program Adviser
Edmonds College, International Student Services, Lynnwood WA
Aug 2013 to Sept 2016
Swedish Language Instructor (Academic Student Employee)
University of Washington, Department of Scandinavian Studies, Seattle WA
Sept 2011 to June 2013
Academic Adviser and Student Success Adjunct Faculty
Olympic College, Student Services, Bremerton WA
Aug 2006 to June 2011
University of Washington, Spring 2017 to present
Edmonds Community College, Fall 2013 to Fall 2016
Olympic College, Student Development, Fall 2006 to Spring 2012. , Fall 2020 to present
BeREAL Mindfulness Facilitator Training, UW
Undocu-Ally Training, Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center, UW
Forefront Suicide Prevention LEARN® Training, UW
Leading with Racial Equity for Structural Transformation Workshop, UW
Cultural Proficiency for Social Justice Training, EdCC
Mental Health First Aid Training, EdCC
Proficient with MS Office, Google Docs, and Canvas eLearning Management System
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Certificate
Assoc. of Swedish Teachers and Researcher in America (ASTRA)
Seattle Branch of the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce (SACC)
Swedish Translators in North America (STiNA)
Swedish Trans-Atlantic Researchers and Scholars Network (STARS)
This program helped me understand how Sweden views itself and other countries, especially how it conceptualizes its position in colonialism and how it views free speech and how it balances individual versus collective goals.
I learned about and experienced Swedish and Finnish culture, got a new perspective on what being an activist means, understood more about art, and had an amazing adventure!
This was my first time in Sweden, as well as Europe in general, and since I came into this program with minimal knowledge on the history, current struggles, and culture of Scandinavia, I've felt like I learn so much.
This program has opened me up to so much. From types of art, ways of thinking about art, and making art, to mindfulness exercises and new ways of appreciating my positionality….
I've definitely become more confident and independent throughout this program. I've also gotten comfortable being alone, solo-traveling, and meeting new people, among many other things, and I feel like I now have a better understanding of myself.
Classes are always fun and engaging!
Thank you for everything!!! You are truly one of the best (if not the best) instructor I’ve had at UW. Your energy and love for the subject helps students learn so much.
Everyday I learned something new.
Everyday Kim challenged us which I think is really important when learning a language.
This class was a highlight of my 2020 pandemic year. I appreciate that I was challenged and that Kim was encouraging as we navigated language acquisition in a virtual setting!
I think the variety in types of class lessons from lectures to group work to talking with Swedes was really helpful.
I appreciated the varied learning activities, from making videos, to reading books, to writing, to speaking with native speaker!
I felt comfortable making mistakes, which was really helpful. I tried my best, of course, but it was understood that I wasn’t going to do everything perfectly and that was okay!
Kim really cares for us- keep that compassion! We notice and appreciate it.
This language course uses multiple methods for teaching/understanding Swedish. We listen, write, speak, watch media relevant to current events in Sweden, work in groups, and have the opportunity to do Nordic-related community events in Seattle. This dynamic combination of events, opportunities, written, oral and group work ensures that all students have at least one channel through which to deeply absorb the material. It is highly interactive.
My Swedish has made massive improvements and i’ve learned more about language as a whole.
The greatest asset to the class, in my opinion, was the instructor herself. She is very welcoming and actively helpful, and she makes it fun.
Kim’s enthusiasm and understanding of the diversity of skills sets between students was exceptional .
My approach to syllabus design is learner-centered. I prioritize experiential learning, including action (task-based learning) and reflection (learning how to learn).
I view language as a dynamic resource for communication, and I believe that significant learning happens through real, authentic, and meaningful interactions and experiences. I use a variety of activities such as dialogues, information gaps, projects and tasks to facilitate active learning and keep things fun. While I prioritize a communicative classroom, I weave in grammar and form, as it is essential for making language meaningful.
I am energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate about my job. I encourage students to be active agents of their learning and I incororate reflection into the syllabus, providing opportunities for "learning how to learn".
I prioritize building a sense of trust and community in the classroom. In order to respect the diversity of learners in every classroom and create an inclusive learning environment, I use scaffolding techniques to connect the introduction of new learning with students’ prior knowledge. I work to make lessons unique and adequately challenging, according to students’ needs and learning objectives. I am always evaluating and assessing student learning, informally and formally, and I adapt my teaching accordingly.
Above all, I maintain positive expectations for all students, and I make sure that students in my classroom are fully aware of my passion for teaching, as well as my enthusiasm for their success.
I love planning, organizing, and facilitating experiential learning opportunities. If you are looking for a consultant for your study abroad program, let's talk about how we might work together. Click here for information about the programs I co-directed in 2019 and 2022.